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grand master 1.大師〔最高棋手等的稱號〕。2.〔G- M-〕 【英史...

While “ historical records “ by shi maqian inherited the old and well - known families , persons who had rendered outstanding services , virtuous grand masters ' speeches about morals recorded and stated in former generations ' annals of history , it warded off one foot - path separately , which specially recorded the economic policy at that time , the state of goods and economic development , and businessmen ' s management strategy , making all these spread in later ages 摘要司馬遷的《史記》在繼承前代史書記述明圣盛德、功臣世家、賢大夫言道德得失體例的同時,更關鍵另辟一徑,專為當時的經濟政策、商品經濟發展的狀況及商人大賈的經營之道等列傳,使其流傳后世。

The man the seminal study of the swordplay film declared “ one of the key figures in the new style wu xia pian initiated by the shaw brothers “ returns with another amazing epic of the “ martial arts world “ there s a touch of romeo and juliet here , as a student of the grand master falls for the daughter of the poison master , played by swordswoman superstar cheng pei - pei 兩人與師妹金霞作別后,分道下山,余乾文途遇五毒教主蘇淳風之女蘇皎皎鄭佩佩飾,皎皎對乾文頗有好感。鄭坤元無意中,在一古墓內獲得天地劍,不意撞著皎皎,被皎皎用毒藥暗器打傷。

With the outstanding performances , knowledge and enthusiasm of buddha ' s light youths , plus the inauguration of 23 yad subdivisions during the opening ceremony , grand master hsing yun was deeply touched and said , “ the formation of yad subdivisions around the world is like spreading bodhi seeds 對佛光青年連日來的杰出表現,知見的超凡、態度的熱忱,加上開幕典禮有二十三個分團成立,大師有感而發地說?世界各地青年團的成立?意謂著菩提種子的播灑。

In the book , “ autobiography of a yogi “ , paramahansa yogananda , a famous indian yogi that practiced very well , mentioned his grand master babaji , an immortal who has lived for over a thousand years ! he has been living in the himalayas for a very long time 在尤甘南達自傳,尤甘南達paramahansa yogananda是一位印度很出名的瑜珈,他修行很好,他的師公是巴巴吉babaji ,他活了一千多年,很長壽,他在喜馬拉雅山活了好久好久,不死啊!

The “ messages from the ancient ancestors “ give voice to the large headed grand master humans seeded upon earth from sirius with great spiritual knowledge “來自遠古祖先的信息” [中譯文]讓起源于天狼星的、具備浩瀚靈性知識的大頭顱大師們進行了表述。

grand monarch

In the third class he reckoned brothersthey formed the majoritywho saw in freemasonry nothing but an external form and ceremonial , and valued the strict performance of that external form without troubling themselves about its import or significance . such were villarsky and the grand master of the lodge indeed 他把這樣一些師兄師弟劃歸第三類他們的人數最多,這一類人只看見外部形式和儀式,在共濟會中別無所睹,他們雖然珍惜這一嚴謹的外部形式,但不關心它的內容和意義。

While “ historical records “ by shi maqian inherited the old and well - known families , persons who had rendered outstanding services , virtuous grand masters ' speeches about morals recorded and stated in former generations ' annals of history , it warded off one foot - path separately , which specially recorded the economic policy at that time , the state of goods and economic development , and businessmen ' s management strategy , making all these spread in later ages 摘要司馬遷的《史記》在繼承前代史書記述明圣盛德、功臣世家、賢大夫言道德得失體例的同時,更關鍵另辟一徑,專為當時的經濟政策、商品經濟發展的狀況及商人大賈的經營之道等列傳,使其流傳后世。

The man the seminal study of the swordplay film declared “ one of the key figures in the new style wu xia pian initiated by the shaw brothers “ returns with another amazing epic of the “ martial arts world “ there s a touch of romeo and juliet here , as a student of the grand master falls for the daughter of the poison master , played by swordswoman superstar cheng pei - pei 兩人與師妹金霞作別后,分道下山,余乾文途遇五毒教主蘇淳風之女蘇皎皎鄭佩佩飾,皎皎對乾文頗有好感。鄭坤元無意中,在一古墓內獲得天地劍,不意撞著皎皎,被皎皎用毒藥暗器打傷。

With the outstanding performances , knowledge and enthusiasm of buddha ' s light youths , plus the inauguration of 23 yad subdivisions during the opening ceremony , grand master hsing yun was deeply touched and said , “ the formation of yad subdivisions around the world is like spreading bodhi seeds 對佛光青年連日來的杰出表現,知見的超凡、態度的熱忱,加上開幕典禮有二十三個分團成立,大師有感而發地說?世界各地青年團的成立?意謂著菩提種子的播灑。

In the book , “ autobiography of a yogi “ , paramahansa yogananda , a famous indian yogi that practiced very well , mentioned his grand master babaji , an immortal who has lived for over a thousand years ! he has been living in the himalayas for a very long time 在尤甘南達自傳,尤甘南達paramahansa yogananda是一位印度很出名的瑜珈,他修行很好,他的師公是巴巴吉babaji ,他活了一千多年,很長壽,他在喜馬拉雅山活了好久好久,不死啊!

Such souls are much like fox ; clever , decisive , grand master chess players more or less who have sustained their existence for near 40 , 000 years ( 120 , 000 human years ) without the dark ' s ability to capture their essence or remove the information and records that they carry 如果一個人也定下意圖智勝黑暗,使他們搞不清他的行蹤以至于無法在時空內發現他,他的提升會容易得多,這具有重大的意義。

Each of the 48 herbs associated with the language of light came with sirian grand masters as they were seeded upon earth some 50 , 000 years ago ( 200 , 000 human years ) , as did many flowering plants and spices humanity is currently drawn to 與光之語相關的所有48種藥草,是隨天狼星大師在約5萬地球年( 20萬人類年)前來到地球之時一同前來的,人類當今所喜愛的眾多花卉與香料也是如此。

Ming college and dongfong college were long - time rivals in all the inter - collegiate competitions . the principal of ming college desperately wanted his college to win the competitions , so he invited li , a grand master of kung - fu , to teach his students 鄰校東方書院常仗勢力欺侮明校學生明校為了挽回面子,要爭奪一年一度校際比賽冠軍,并請來李尋歡梁家仁任教。

When he had lain there some time , he was told to get up , and a white leather apron such as the others wore was put round him , and a spade and three pairs of gloves were put in his hands ; then the grand master addressed him 他仰臥不多時,就有人吩咐他站起身來,給他圍上一條別人那樣的白皮圍裙,將一把鏟子和三雙手套送到他手上,這時候共濟會分會會長才對他講話。

At the conclusion of the sitting , the grand master spoke with ill - will and irony to bezuhov of his hasty temper ; and observed that it was not love of virtue alone , but a passion for strife , that had guided him in the discussion 會議結束之后,教頭不懷好意地輕蔑地指責別祖霍夫,說他急躁,并且說,不是對美德的熱愛,而是對爭斗的濃厚興趣在爭論中支配他。

The pine nuts were originally used by the grand masters to make tinctures and oils that they occasionally consumed to retain their dream weaving capabilities , and attune to the infinite dream of all possibilities around them 起先,大師們主要將松仁制成酊劑或松仁油供自己偶爾食用,以保持他們編織夢想的能力,并調諧到他們周圍無限可能的夢想。

Unfortunately , sirius also cast off those lineages in human form that could not ascend displacing them upon earth ; therefore the humans that arrived were not entirely fully conscious as the grand masters 不幸地是,天狼星也將人類形體中無法提升的那些血統丟棄放置在地球上,因此來到地球的人們并不像大師那樣是全部全意識的。

Generally those carving bodhisattva constructed their body in the womb from one of these six holograms ; birth time holograms may vary , but are generally either grand master or red in nature 通常而言,那些切割菩薩路徑者是根據這6個全息圖在子宮構建其肉體;出生時刻可能會有所不同,不過通常而言性質要么是大師要么是紅族的。

Some died of shattering blows that involved the dolphin and whale kingdoms ; others were shattered due to the other red humans who were unconsciously jealous of the amount of knowledge that the grand masters had 有些人死于牽涉到海豚鯨魚王國的粉碎性攻擊,其他人出于其他紅族人無意識中嫉妒大師所擁有知識之數量而被粉碎。